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Walters Shoal's marine fauna and flora - the first photos!

Back from the first dives, the divers were very happy... Our five divers, Line, Emmanuel, Stéphane, Sébastien et James reached depths of 40m and travelled towards the summit along a gentle slope.

Encircled by 7 sharks, they explored the area...

Emmanuel and Sébastien share with us the first pictures of the Walters Shoal's underwater environment.

Coralinacea encrusted red algae, 10-armed crinoidea feather star, moray eels (Gymnothorax sp.) and lionfish (Pterois sp.) all appear on the pictures.

Grey Chromis of the Pomacentridae family (Chromis axillaris), a smal marbledl fish of the Serranidae family (Serranus novemcinctus), which are very common on the shoal, also paused for the cameras...

And, icing on the cake, a large group of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) accompanied for a short time the Marion Dufresne.

Everyone had big smiles on their faces...

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