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An expedition, an educative program

A seamount in the middle of the Indian Ocean, a mythical research vessel, species to discover, a whole ecosystem to understand, a meeting point between adventure and knowledge. A knowledge to be carried over to pupils and youngsters in training (middle, high school, varsity, University). The stakes of this expedition are to study a badly known ecosystem surrounding a seamount and to predict at an international level its potential exploitation bearing in mind its uniqueness, fragility, and its value for the future of mankind. We are hoping to offer information on different subjects and at different levels to the youngsters who will be following this blog: disciplinary resources (i.e. Life and Earth sciences, Physics, Chemistry, History, and Geography) as well as research activities description and expertise during the expedition and portraits of the women and men who will be presenting their career path, and professional daily routine. During the cruise, from April 23 to May 18, we will be feeding this blog (i.e. daily news, events, on board routine, discoveries, species description, virtual visit of the Marion Dufresne). We will also answer the questions sent by the different schools/students who wish to interact with the expedition via the dedicated blog.

After the expedition, we will publish on the online educative page, didactic documents and learning clues for interested teachers. We hope that, among pupils and students who will be following this blog, a few will find inspiration, and motivation through this expedition for their studies and their professional career.

You can start to ask questions by this post, or in the future posts. Please, use areas for comments at the end of the post to write your questions. In case of problem, contact me: (from 23.04 to 18.05.2017) or (after 18.05.2017).

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